
ITOM-Academy: Concepts

The topic "Concepts" covers our ideas, from concepts to implementation, verified by years of experience in the "ITOM" area.

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Delivery Formats

Choose your preferred Delivery Format:

Remote: via tele-conferencing and browser-based remote access to the lab environment
Instructor led: onsite at the customer’s location
Instructor led: at Micro Focus Training Center Gelnhausen – Frankfurt/Main
Public Trainings: available for several topics


Depending on the audience there are different objectives designed:

Training: for those who want to handle a product
Explore: for those who want to know the potential of a product
Agile Guidance: for those who want to make better use of new functions or specific modules
Role Based:
for those who need to use a suite or integrated products in their environment
for their own applications. Typically this is done customized.

If you have any question, please feel free to ask: