News: Summer-School 2024

ITOM-Academy: News – Summer School 2024

Summerschool 2024 is focused on "SMAX & more".
OpenText offers powerful products for IT Service Management and Enterprise Service Management.
For selected topics and for different target groups several trainings are scheduled for summer 2024.


Prior to Start:

Code Description Duration Date Week Price/Person
Concepts, Components & Functions of SMAX

This training is for those who want to know "what" is coming. e.g. Decision Makers, Architects, Project Managers, Technical managers, Process designers... An essential element of this course are the individual questions of the participants and the participant-specific answers. Those who want to know "how" details work will find suitable trainings in the following sections.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • know concepts, components, functions, and their interrelations
  • know the possibilities of integrations with other systems
  • know the terms and contexts of "containerization" (optional)
  • experience SMAX in a live demonstration (on-premise)
  • understand the future requirements for the operation
  • know the possibilities of automation with SMAX
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • understand ITIL Service Management – ideas and concepts
  • know their environment and the requirements for their (future) SMAX solution
Please send us your questions about this course in advance.

2 days 22.07.-23.07.2024 30 €1500,-
SMAX for Process Owners

Depending on your organization decisions regarding processes and/or services often are made by several persons. They need to understand the Out-of-the-Box processes of SMAX, and what can be configured to adapt these to your needs and conventions. The entirety of implementing processes is split into parts. The "planning part" is handled in this training. This should be attended to prior to start, so Process Owner know the Out-of-the-Box processes. If adaptions are required they could be added by customer. With these adapted process descriptions the implementation can start. These tasks can be done by an implementation team or by administrators or sometimes by the process owners. This "adaption part" is content of the SMAX-CFG1 and SMAX-CFG2 training. Private trainings are tailored to your organization by audiences and with more processes, e.g. Service Asset and Configuration Management, Vendor and Brand Management.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • know how to navigate the User Interfaces "Agent Interface" and "Service Portal"
  • know and understand Out-of-the-Box behaviour and dependencies of processes
  • know selected "Out-of-the-Box" processes like
    Request Management, Service Catalog, Fulfillment Plans,
    Knowledge Management,
    Incident Management,
    Problem Management,
    Change Management
  • know the options and consequences to configure these
  • know how to improve different processes, e.g. enforce compliance with your enterprise policies.
  • know the basics of Service Level Management (SLM) and its influence
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • know their existing Service Management environment
  • know their desired improvements

3 days 24.07.-26.07.2024 30 €2250,-
More Details:
Code Description Duration Date Week Price/Person
Introduction for SMAX Administrators (SaaS only)

This training is intended for SMAX administrators in SaaS environments or for those who configure SMAX. It is a prerequisite for "SMAX-CFG1" and the following trainings.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • have an overview about the architecture according to their duties
  • know nomenclature of SMAX
  • have an basic understanding of the product
  • know the standard modules and user interfaces for service desk agents, support engineers and tenant administrators
  • experience SMAX in a live environment (on-premise is used for demonstrations)
  • know the terms and contexts of "containerization" (optional)
  • know the requirements for operation
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • understand ITIL Service Management – ideas and concepts
  • have experience in administration of web-based applications

1 day 29.07.2024 31 €750,-
SMAX Configuration Part 1

Starting from a new tenant, the individual steps for configuration are carried out practically. From the adaptation of the so-called "master data" information, such as locations and language selection, the display and settings of the service portal, and the management of the users (administrators, service desk agents, support engineers, end users and integration users), over the offerings and service catalogs with their components, to the configuration of the modules what can be configured so that users can log in and use the product SMAX. This also includes an introduction to the so-called "Expression Language" to be able to fully use the relational data model.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • can use Agent Interface and Service Portal
  • know Expression Language
  • can configure selected processes
    Master Data,
    Fields & Forms, Data Security Management,
    Service Catalog Management, Offerings, Fulfillment Plans,
    Approvals, Tasks, Time Period Management,
    Service Desk (Request Management), Incident Management,
    Problem Management, Knowledge Management, Survey Management,
    Service Level Management, Contract Management
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • have attended training "SMAX-FTA" or training "SMAX-I4A" or similar
  • know the current and expected requirements of their environment
  • know the current and expected boundary conditions of their environment
  • would benefit from having attended training "SMAX-PO" themselfs or know the results/conclusions of attendees of that training
  • know the principles and basic ideas of ITIL

4 days 30.07.-02.08.2024 31 €3000,-
SMAX Configuration Part 2

Based on the configuration of a tenant as after the training "SMAX-CFG1" this training covers how further modules can be configured.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • can configure selected processes:
    Change Management, Release Management,
    Idea and Proposal Management,
    Application Portfolio Management, Project and Program Management,
    Software Asset Management,
    Procurement Management, Financial Management,
    Cloud Operations Management,
    Package Management
  • can transfer configuration from development tenant to test and production tenant using "Dev2Prod"
  • know how to use Package Management
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • have attended to training "SMAX-CFG1" or similar

3 days 05.08.-07.08.2024 32 €2250,-
Native SACM Configuration

SMAX can share Configuration Item Types (CITs), Configuration Items (CIs) and their relations with a Universal CMDB (UCMDB) and, as "Native SACM", simplify the entire administration of it. This training provides SMAX administrators with the necessary knowledge and the required work steps.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • know basics and tasks of UCMDB
  • know which tasks are performed in UCMDB and which in SMAX
  • can operate the UCMDB local client and CMS-UI
  • can integrate UCMDB with SMAX
  • can enable Native SACM in SMAX
  • know Software Asset Management in SMAX
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • have attended training "SMAX-CFG1"
  • know ITIL ideas and concepts about Configuration Management
  • know their environment and understand their processes
  • know the results and their requirements from training "SMAX-PO"

2 days 08.08.-09.08.2024 32 €1500,-
Content & Process Development:
Code Description Duration Date Week Price/Person
Concepts, Components & Functions of ...

OpenText SMAX is a very flexible tool: You can start with an "out of the box" implementation and then gradually automate your processes during operation. During these two days, automation options and the necessary tools will be presented. SMAX is suitable for both "IT Service Management" (ITSM) and "Enterprise Service Management" (ESM). The applications for both can then be started in the Service Portal with a single click. The aim of the seminar is to use examples to show what is possible. Further seminars will teach how this can be implemented.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • know the architecture of the "containerized suite" SMAX and potential automation tools by OpenText
  • know the data model used by SMAX out of the box
  • understand how additional tables are created and used
  • have a basic understanding of the "Expression Language" used within SMAX
  • understand how processes work in SMAX, including approvals and task plans
  • know how models and fulfillment plans can be used for automation
  • know how Opentext Operations Orchestration can be used for Automation
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • understand ITIL Service Management – ideas and concepts
  • know their environment and the requirements for their (future) SMAX solution
  • know their processes and the requirements for their (future) SMAX solution

2 days 02.09.-03.09.2024 36 €1500,-
Design and Implement your own ITSM or ESM App with SMAX

This training is for SMAX developers who want to create their own “apps” within SMAX. All steps to design, implement, and package an “app” are covered, including creating data tables, forms, and workflows. Details how to use OO-Flows for SMAX are content of the training SMAX-OO.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • understand how to design their own app within SMAX
  • know how to add new data table(s) or extend existing tables
  • know how to add and maintain forms, processes/workflows, permissions
  • know how to package/export and install/import the new app
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • have attended training “SMAX-CFG1” or have similar knowledge

3 days 04.09.-06.09.2024 36 €2250,-
Design OO-Flows for and OO-Flows from SMAX

This training is for OO developers who want to use OO-Flows from SMAX for automated tasks and Business Rules. This training covers both sides, calling OO-Flows from SMAX and authoring Flows with OO Studio and OO Workflow Designer, including how to pass data between SMAX and OO. Prior experience in authoring flows with either OO Studio or OO Workflow Designer is absolutely necessary.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • understand how to use OO for automatic tasks
  • be able to pass data from SMAX to OO and from OO to SMAX
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • Attended training SMAX-CFG1 or have similar knowledge
  • Attended an OO training, e.g. OO220, OO-FT or have similar knowledge

2 days 09.09.-10.09.2024 37 €1500,-
Fast Track to Offerings

This private training is a “deep dive” for attendees of training SMAX-CFG1 for the processes starting with service catalog over offerings and fulfillment plans to subscriptions. Included are approvals, manual and automatic tasks. For automatic tasks Operations Orchestration (OO) is used. Details how to use OO-Flows are content of the training SMAX-OO. This content needs to be tailored to your goals.

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • have a deeper understanding of the dependencies between Service Catalog, Categories, Service Definitions, Service Offerings, Support Offerings, Workflows, Approvals, Fulfillment Plans, Manual and Automatic Tasks
  • know more details of Expression Language (EL)
  • can make better use of EL to access and modify data
  • know how to define offerings according to their needs
  • know how to export and import offerings
  • know how to use OO-Flows for Automatic Tasks
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • the principles and basic ideas of Service Management according to ITIL
  • the current and future requirements and boundary conditions of their environment
  • the current and future requirements and boundary conditions of their processes
  • the outputs/results from the attendees of training SMAX-PO
  • the basics of the Expression Language

3 days 11.09.-13.09.2024 37 €2250,-
Fast Track to Operations Orchestration

This public training is a "Fast Track" - i.e quick start - to understanding and being able to use OpenText Operations Orchestration (OO). Starting with a product overview, the architecture, components, and jargon are explained. The jargon used differs from most other programming languages, e.g. "programs" in other languages are called "flows" (originating from the graphical representation, which is similiar to flow-charts).
OO makes use of its own Programming Languages, named "AFL" (Advanced Flow Language, graphical, often called simply "flow") and "CS" (CloudSlang, YAML/text-based), plus JavaScript (as part of AFL flows) and Python (as part of CS flows).
One aim of the training is to give developers a quick introduction to the OO product and the programming languages used.
The use of both IDEs - "OO Studio" and "OO Workflow Designer" - is taught in hands-on exercises.
This training can be used as a prerequisite for the training "SMAX-OO".

Objectives: After attending this training the students should

  • understand the architure and jargon of "OO"
  • know the major components of "OO"
  • know the programming languages "AFL" and "CloudSlang"
  • be able to use both "OO Studio" and "OO Workflow Designer" to create Flows, Operations, and Content Packs
  • know how to deploy Content Packs
  • be able to find and navigate the official documentation
Prerequisites: Before attending to this training the students should
  • understand assertion logic, like from almost other programming languages
  • know JavaScript and Python, or at least be able to understand JavaScript and Python code
  • be familiar with the concept of "IDE" (Integrated Development Environment)

5 days 12.08.-16.08.2024 33 €3750,-


The Trainings will make use of SMAX 24.2.
Other versions/releases are available on request.


These trainings are conducted in english.
Delivery in german language is available on request.

Delivery Format

Remote: via tele-conferencing and browser-based remote access to the lab environment

Enrolling at ITOM-Academy
& Training Information

Enrolling at OpenText

c/o cTc Computer Technik Czakay GmbH   
63571 Gelnhausen
Mobile: +49 170 450 8851

Antonia Batanova

If you have any question, please feel free to ask: